Biometric authentication use case

Facial recognition

The need for biometric systems in security arises from the increasing complexity and sophistication of cyber threats, the limitations of traditional authentication methods, and the unique advantages that biometrics offer. Biometrics can be used as a part of multi-factor authentication (MFA), providing an additional layer of security and making it harder for attackers to breach systems.


The integration of face biometrics services into the user identity provider (IdP) authentication platform brings an additional security layer to user authentication and a convenient user experience. Utilizing computer vision and deep learning techniques, high recognition accuracy can be achieved when it comes to face biometrics.

The steps

  • 01

    Data Collection

    Gathering and cleaning various large data sets with face images. Creation of balanced data sets where different attributes like gender, age, and others are equally represented.
  • 02

    Data Preprocessing

    Using different techniques to align, augment images, and cover cases like illuminance, blurring, or when someone has an occlusion on the face.
  • 03

    Experiments and Evaluation

    Evaluating models and making experiments using state-of-the-art architectures, validating results using defined metrics, and selecting a model with the best performance.
  • 04


    Creating integration points with selected models and using them from the identity provider (IdP) authentication platform, providing an additional security layer.


  • Mislabeled large data sets that require cleaning and preparation. Time and resource-consuming models training.
  • Conditions such as low light, extreme angles, or partial occlusions (e.g., hats, glasses) can reduce the effectiveness of the system.


  • It adds a layer of security beyond traditional methods, making it more difficult for attackers to gain unauthorized access.
  • It can be applied across various sectors, including banking, healthcare, government, and enterprise environments in a wide range of applications.

  • Users do not need to carry physical tokens or remember complex credentials, enhancing the user experience and convenience.

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